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vendredi 28 décembre 2012

Security Software: Stay Safe

Posted by Unknown on 03:51 with 1 comment

Your home computer serves as a gateway to a universe of information. Along with this extraordinary capability come the risks of losing data, falling prey to malicious software and leaving the door open to identity theft. Safeguard your computer and protect your family by using security software that minimizes or eliminates these risks.
  1. Internet Security

    • The first line of defense for any home computer setup is a good Internet firewall. A firewall allows a normal flow of data to and from your computer but blocks attacks from outside, essentially hiding your PC behind a shield. Microsoft’s Windows 7 includes a software firewall that, when enabled, effectively blocks unauthorized outside access.
      Other products include Kaspersky Lab’s Kaspersky ONE Universal Security. This software blocks spam email and viruses along with providing firewall protection. The software includes protection for PCs, Macintosh computers, Android, iOS and other mobile devices in one comprehensive package. The editors at TechRadar rate Kaspersky ONE 4 1/2 stars out of 5.
      ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite by Check Point Software Technologies contains a firewall, virus scanner and spyware blocker. The ZoneAlarm scanner employs Kaspersky Lab’s proven virus detection technology. In addition, Check Point Software Technologies offers a firewall-only version of ZoneAlarm as a free download. IT Reviews praised ZoneAlarm’s simple, easy-to-use layout and strong protection against malware.

    Malware Protection

    • Malware programs spy on your computer activities, damage your files or hijack your PC to spread email and Web spam. Attackers spread malware through enticing Web pages, email attachments and by other insidious means. Malware goes by various names that describe a specialty: spyware, viruses, adware and rootkits. A rootkit, for example, hides itself by becoming part of Windows, making detection and removal difficult. An entire software industry has grown up in response to the malware threat. Two examples of anti-malware software are Kaspersky ONE and Symantec’s Norton 360; these packages contain several programs that address multiple malware problems at the same time. They detect computer viruses in email attachments and file downloads and scan for malware already residing on your computer, giving you options for removing the malicious files. In addition to these features and others, Norton 360 automatically backs up your recent data, performing a frequently neglected, yet essential task.


    • Protecting confidential files such as medical records and family finances demands a high priority level. Encryption prevents anyone from seeing this information without the correct password. The process of encrypting data mathematically scrambles it, turning it into meaningless random bits. To read the information, you type a password into a program to decrypt the data to its original form. Windows 7 has built-in encryption capability that allows you to protect individual files and folders on your hard drive, USB drives and other media.
      Another software solution, TrueCrypt, from the TrueCrypt Developers Association, creates an encrypted virtual disk onto which you can store files. TrueCrypt is a free, open-source program that offers industrial-strength encryption methods. You choose from AES, Twofish and Serpent algorithms, either alone or in combination, yielding extremely strong security.
      Using, PKWARE’s PKZIP, a popular data-archiving program, you compress several files into one, saving hard drive space and facilitating file transfers. The program has a data-encryption feature using industry-standard AES and 3DES methods; you can select either. PKZIP’s encryption provides a basic level of security suitable for everyday use.

    Parental Controls

    • Although people in some countries experience a nationally controlled, sanitized Internet, Americans still enjoy relatively unrestricted freedom of expression on the Web. Some of the information available is not suitable for children, and you may wish to protect your minor children from the worst the Internet has to offer. To that end, Microsoft’s Windows 7 software includes several parental-control features. Through the Internet Explorer Web browser, you can turn on a Content Advisor that acts as a filter for Web content. A Windows Control Panel resource, User Accounts and Family Safety, lets you regulate the time your child spends on the computer.
      For more sophisticated and comprehensive parental controls, consider Keyware Incorporated’s Action Alert. This software blocks websites, automatically filters Web searches, monitors email and records the computer’s video and keyboard activities. If the program detects objectionable content coming through emails or websites, you can opt to receive alerts via cell phone text messages. Action Alert comes in free and full-featured editions; you can purchase the latter version for a modest one-time fee.

    Everyday Practices

    • As your data is precious, yet easily lost due to accidents, hardware problems and malware, backups are one of the best daily disciplines you can put into practice. Microsoft Windows includes backup software that copies your documents to a USB drive, second hard drive or recordable DVD on an automatic or manual basis, depending on if you connect the media permanently or if you plug it in occasionally. Web services such as Carbonite back up your files through the Internet, placing your data in secure offsite storage.
      Exercise healthy skepticism when reading your email, even when messages come from known sources. For example, if you see a message from FedEx about a shipment when you are not expecting a package, do not click on the attachment. Be hesitant to open any email attachments unless you have complete confidence in the sender. Likewise, refrain from clicking on Web links embedded in these messages, as they can lead to virus-infected Web pages.
      When creating passwords, make them as long and complex as possible. A shortcut for this is to make the password from a phrase, such as “tacosalad” or “FiveforaDollar.” Stay away from easily guessed passwords such as “12345.” Malicious hackers keep extensive dictionaries of frequently used passwords and can crack them in seconds.

Read more: Security Software: Stay Safe | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_12223423_security-software-stay-safe.html#ixzz2GLWl9vGn

How to Save Battery Life

Posted by Unknown on 03:40 with No comments

Batteries are not all created equal--every battery is not suited to every job. Batteries mismatched with the items that need them can run them down quickly. Knowing how to select the right batteries and how to store them properly will save you time and money by assuring full battery life. Read on to learn more.


    • 1
      Buy batteries that are fresh. Do this by going to a store with a high battery turnover such as a busy toy store or electronics department. Choose from the center of the rack, as store employees are taught to put new merchandise in the very front or back of the displays.
    • 2
      Buy zinc-carbon batteries for items like clocks, flashlights and calculators. Choose heavy duty zinc carbon batteries for small radios, and small lights like penlights. For items that are used constantly or have a high draw such as toys, boom boxes, camera flashes and tape recorders, use alkaline batteries.
    • 3
      Store batteries in the refrigerator inside a sealed plastic bag for keeping them fresh for the longest amount of time. You should leave them out long enough to reach room temperature before you use them.
    • 4
      Take batteries out of items that rarely get used. Put them in a zippered plastic bag. You can tape the bag to the item if possible or you can store them elsewhere, away from heat and light. Don't let them touch anything metal as they can lose power.
    • 5
      Keep batteries warm in your pocket if you need to use them outside. Put them in just before you use them and take them out again to keep warm when you're done.
    • 6
      Don't mix old and new batteries when you use them. The new ones will be stronger and can cause the older ones to leak battery acid. Battery acid is extremely caustic and will cause burns on your skin and anything else it touches. Wear gloves and use caution when removing leaking batteries. Make sure to dispose of batteries properly.

Tips & Warnings

  • Keep batteries in zipper bags in the fridge to keep them fresh longer.
  • Warm refrigerated batteries to room temperature before using.
  • Don't touch a leaking battery without gloves and caution. Battery acid is very caustic and will cause terrible burns to skin and everything else it touches.
  • Don't mix old and new batteries--it can cause the older ones to leak.

Read more: How to Extend Battery Life | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2151104_extend-battery-life.html#ixzz2GLUxrmkl

Officiellement, il s'agit de "protéger la vie privée." Selon le compte Twitter de l'agence de presse officielle de la République populaire de Chine, Xinhua, "le corps législatif chinois adopte des règles d'information en ligne pour protéger la vie privée."
"Le corps législatif suprême de Chine a approuvé ce vendredi des règles pour améliorer la protection des informations personnelles en ligne et pour sauvegarder les intérêts publics, obligeant les utilisateurs de l'Internet à s'identifier auprès des fournisseurs de service lorsqu'ils concluent un accord d'accès sur le web."
Pas de changement pour l'internaute moyen 
Xinhua précise que le texte a valeur de loi. Pendant les cinq jours qu'a duré la session législative aboutissant à l'adoption de cette décision, plusieurs informations avaient fuité, note The Next Web. Particulièrement inquiétantes pour les internautes chinois.
On ne sait pas quand le texte s'appliquera - il n'est officiellement qu'à l'état de brouillon - mais l'article de The Next Web est relativement éclairant sur les effets de la loi, lorsqu'elle sera promulguée. Pour le journaliste, correspondant du site néerlandais en Chine, cela ne devrait pas changer grand-chose pour le consommateur moyen.
"J'ai déjà dû photocopier mon passeport pour obtenir un service de téléphonie mobile ou d'Internet fixe. (...) Les cafés Internet, par contre, pourraient sentir le tour de vis si des restrictions les forçaient à conserver un historique précis de leur clientèle."
Craintes pour les cyberdissidents 
La principale inquiétude repose désormais sur les dissidents en ligne, pour qui l'anonymat est en Chine une chance supplémentaire, sinon une garantie, de sécurité. Cela n'interdira pas l'utilisation de pseudonymes sur les services en ligne, mais il sera bien plus facile de les relier à un internaute identifié.
Cette nouvelle disposition législative ne laissera donc pas d'inquiéter, d'autant que les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes non plus du côté des solutions techniques de contournement de la "Muraille de Chine numérique".
Plus tôt ce mois-ci, le Guardian a en effet révélé que la Chine s'était dotée d'une technologie de détection et de blocage des connexions VPN non autorisées par les autorités. Le système de routage en oignon TOR, également plébiscité par les tenants de l'anonymat en ligne, pourrait lui aussi subir les effets de ce blocage.
Source: ZSnet

jeudi 27 décembre 2012

A Map of the Internet

Posted by Unknown on 09:23 with No comments

Where will you travel on the Internet today?
Note: Yes, we know that the word Downloads is misspelled as Downoads in the image, but otherwise it is still a fun image to add to your collection.
You can download a super-sized large version of the image using this link(1500*2400 pixels)
[via MUO]

In a world where you can have 3D scenes rendered in real time as your smartphone’s background, plain black wallpapers aren’t the most eye-catching option. However, they can offer battery life improvements over colored wallpapers on some displays.

Plain black wallpapers can also make text easier to read, helping the icons stand out. They won’t be lost in the jumble of colors — or animated fish, if you’re using a live wallpaper.

Will It Save Battery Life?

On most computer displays, such as the computer screen you’re probably reading this article on, using a black background won’t save you any battery life. No matter what color a pixel is – whether it’s dark black or blinding white – there’s a backlight at the back of your screen and it’s constantly outputting light. The black pixels block more of the backlight, but it’s still behind the black pixel, using power.
For many portable devices – including Apple’s iPhone – you can’t save any battery life by using a black background. Like on a computer’s LCD monitor, the iPhone’s backlight is constantly shining when the screen is on.
However, this doesn’t apply if you’re using a mobile device with an AMOLED (also known as Super AMOLED or OLED) display. OLED screens don’t have a solid backlight. Each pixel on an OLED screen is an “organic light emitting diode” that produces its own light. When the pixel is black, it isn’t producing any light. When the pixel is white, it’s producing light.
In other words, if you use a black background on an AMOLED display, your display will produce less light. This will help save battery power, squeezing more battery life out of your device.
There are many devices with AMOLED displays out there, including the popular Samsung Galaxy S3. The Nokia Lumia 900 has an AMOLED display, although the Lumia 920 has an IPS LCD display. To check the type of display your smartphone or tablet has, examine its specifications or perform a Google search.
Image Credit: KhE on Flickr

Setting a Plain Black Wallpaper on Android

To set a plain black wallpaper on Android, open this page in your browser and tap here to view the plain-black wallpaper image. Long-press the image and tap Save image to save it to your device.
Long-press on your home screen and tap Gallery to select a wallpaper from your device. If you’re using an older version of Android or a manufacturer-provided interface, you may have to tap Wallpaper after long-pressing your home screen.
Tap the Download folder in the gallery, select your plain black wallpaper, and confirm the operation.
Remember: Setting a plain black wallpaper will only improve your Android’s battery life if it has an OLED display. However, we’ve also got some tips that will help maximize any Android device’s battery lifeDon’t use a task killer, though.

Setting a Plain Black Wallpaper on iOS

To set a plain black wallpaper on iOS, open this page in Safari and tap here to view the plain-black background image. Long-press the wallpaper and save it to your device.
Return to the home screen, tap the Settings icon, and select Brightness & Wallpaper.
Browse for a new wallpaper and select your Camera Roll – you’ll see the black image you saved. Select it as your background.
Setting a plain black wallpaper won’t improve your battery life on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Don’t worry, though – we’ve got some tips for improving your iOS device’s battery life.
Sources: How To Geek